7 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer
Beer Is Good For Your Helath
Researchers say that beer drinking has some interesting health benefits. We would like to bring up 7 of them, which we thought everyone should know about:
Beer is great for keeping your kidneys healthy. According to a recent study, drinking beer can reduce in 40% the risk of developing kidney stones.
Beer contains a significant amount of fiber, which helps reducing your levels of LDL cholesterol, A.K.A. bad cholesterol.
Beer contains several B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12). A Dutch study determined that beer drinkers have 30% higher vitamin B6 levels than people who don’t drink beer. It provides a significant amount of vitamin B12, which is an anti-anemic factor not found in many foods.
Beer drinkers have 40 to 60% percent less chances to suffer a heart attack, compared with non-beer drinkers.
Drinking beer improves your memory and according to studies, beer drinkers are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
According to researchers of the University of Montreal, two glasses of beer a day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety.
Beer contains several vitamins that improve your skin pigmentation, causing your skin to look smoother.
See you tonight at the Front Porch: The Hottest Social Bar in Denver
Get a group of friends together and come to the Front Porch tonight! We guarantee you’ll have a great social drinking time…and what’s better than casually enjoying some drinks with friends? Having those drinks for free!! You will many chances of drinking free tonight with our Flip Night! That means you get 50/50 chances of getting the benefits of drinking beer completely free (or any other drink).
Friend us on Facebook and add us to your circles in Google+, we post daily which names appear on our Name Night Calendar. Find your name on our September Calendar and get ready for more nights of free drinks!
We are located on 1215 15th Street, Denver, CO 80202.